Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Coming to Grips...

Shane turned six months old yesterday. He is so very active and is very proud of his new-found abilities. All he wants to do is crawl around, roll around, sit up, climb over... I can't keep up. He is completely blowing Brooke out of the water with how early he is doing these things, but, nonetheless, he is.... and....

I think he is weening...

I am sad... Very sad...

I probably should have seen this coming, but, I guess that ignorance is bliss. For about 3 months now he has had the preference of me standing and walking around while nursing him. He has never really been one for holding still! About a month ago started the "I only will nurse if we are laying down" phase. Then last week began the "Lay flat on my back with Mommy practically on top of me" phase. Now it's the "I don't care what acrobatics my mom can think of: I don't want anything to do with it" phase.

He bites, turns his head away, scratches, kicks.... ugh.... had his ears checked today and he got a really good, not-so-baby adjustment at the chiropractor.... still nothing- he would rather play.

With Brooke, it was inevitable- I was pregnant again, my supply was low, the taste changed (or so that is what "they say")... we took it slow, and, by 10 months old, she was done.

But I thought that Shane would be different. I knew that he was going to ween before most babies, because, well, he has done EVERYTHING early. But six months... Buddy, you're nuts!

I am not quite sure why this is happening, but, I am sad, and am trying to come to grips with it. Some of you think it's stupid, I know, but, I am "that" granola tree-hugging mom and I want nothing more than to breastfeed for as long as possible. I am the, "My kids will NEVER have formula" person (and my husband keeps telling me that I really need to stop saying NEVER about things that are out of my control- I guess he's right).

Oh well... I am giving it through the weekend to try to work with Shane on nursing again. I have a plan (which probably means it won't work, but, at least I have one): IF we need to supplement, then he would only get two bottles/day part formula part breast milk. He would still nurse in the mornings, before nap, at bedtime, and his "dream feed" before I go to bed.

Hopefully he gets back on board in the next few days because I sure will miss those big blue eyes looking up at me and a half smile while he nurses... one of the best parts of my day.

They grow up too fast!

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