Monday, August 15, 2011

An Unexpected Visitor....

I have wanted to write about this for the last two months, but, somehow, in the midst of life, have put it off... until NOW!

The background:
I have a friend...a newly-found, long-lost friend...
We graduated from High School together, went to CMU together, we were family. Literally....

I remember the last time I saw my sweet friend (in NC at her baptism) and the last conversation that we had on the phone. I remember the tears, the frustration, the loneliness....
I remember opening a facebook account just 3 1/2 years ago and adding her as a friend. I remember the first email I got from her, although, at this point, I can't remember if she emailed me out of the blue, or if I emailed her first. But, it was great! It was wonderful. It had been 3 years without any contact at all and it felt good to know that she was happy and healthy! I remember getting married and thinking that she should have been standing next to my sister in my wedding. And I remember emailing her to tell her I was pregnant with Brooke when our families didn't even know (hey, she was far enough away.... I knew she wouldn't spill the beans;)). I remember when she told me she was getting married- I was thrilled for her!

I remember praying for her. Praying for her to find love, be happy, love God... Mostly, though, I prayed for the reconciliation of our friendship. I prayed... and prayed... and prayed. I remember telling Rob once that if she called me and needed me that I would get on the first plane to NC no matter what I was doing or what the cost. That I would be there....

Then it came... two months shy of six years.... a text which read: "Hey lady! What are you doing tomorrow? I would really like to come and spend the day with you and meet your kids..."

WHAT?! Call me!

And then I heard it: her sweet little voice (now with the hint of a southern drawl)...
Sure enough, her man was racing at MIS and, well, "Your house is ONLY 2 1/2 hours from the track.... can I come see you?"


I hung up and called my mom bawling! The Lord had heard my cries- He had answered my prayers! My long, lost 'sister' was coming to see me!

It was amazing... she was at MY house... with MY kids! We laughed, we cried, we were. So much had changed, yet, it was still the same. Wonderful!

When she left that day, I felt all those feelings again. I cried for a week straight! She had taken the time to drive 5 hours in one day, to come and see me, and learn about my life. It was such an amazing gift.

What was even more amazing?! That God used her to show His faithfulness. I prayed without ceasing and He answered in His perfect time! Just when I needed it the most; just when I didn't think that I could 'do' another day of 'this.' He gave me hope by bringing us back to the place that we both needed.

Thank you, Jesus, for bringing my dear friend back to me! I love you!

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