Tuesday, October 18, 2011

"Miss Representation"


I hope the link above works!

This is the trailer for a new documentary about how women are portrayed in this country. Specifically how the media has created and is now 'distributing' women as objects meant for the satisfaction of men.

**Be warned-- there are images that may not be appropriate for some men who struggle with pornography and definitely those not appropriate for children under age 18.

I would like to hear thoughts/reactions to the trailer (if the link does not load, then Google: Miss Representation Trailer).

My reaction/thoughts after viewing this two separate times...

The first half is completely true, appropriate, and should be disturbing to any woman, father, grandfather, brother... you get the point- it should bother all of us. I agree wholeheartedly that we need to stand up for the decency, modesty, beauty, and RESPECT of women and their bodies. This is a cause near and dear to my heart.

I do, however, find fault with the second half of the trailer for "Miss Representation." They list statistics about women in high profile, "powerful" positions in America. At one point the woman being interviewed states that at a young age (I can't remember exactly what age- I think Kindergarten) an even number of boys and girls say that they want to be President of the United States and that at age 15 or 16 the percentage of young women who still have this dream are just a fraction... (at one point a man being interviewed compares our government to that of Cuba, China, and Afghanistan- saying that they all have more women in high political positions than we do... hmm...not sure I want our government compared to those in the first place!) I could go on summarizing- just watch it! :)

The basic "gist" of the trailer is that we need to change the way America views women- we need to have women in those high profile jobs, teach girls that they should be in those positions.

Here is where my problem lies... at no point do they ever suggest that a woman has value if she is at home caring for her children and creating a stable environment for them. I have had conversations like this with other women, family members, acquaintances and here is the conclusion: in this country, there is NO glory in being a mother. At the doctor they ask: "Do you work?" My response: "HA! Heck yeah I work... and I am 'on call' 24 hours a day, 365 days/year." But what is meant by the question is: "Do you work outside of the home?" And if the answer is 'No,' then nobody there can possibly understand why you can't make the 1:30 appointment they have set for you for next Thursday... "Because I have babies that nap! That's why!!" (And all of your stay-at-home-'workers' know that there are very few times that you sacrifice that sacred nap time!)

I want to teach my daughter what God created her for: to be a 'help-mate' to her husband and raise her children to know and fear the Lord. Those first years of life are critical and I am sick of women being told that they are not glorious or powerful or beautiful or wonderful if they choose to mother their children. Once they are off to school, then it's a completely different story (unless you homeschool!)!

Mommies: you are the hardest working group of people in the world! Keep up the hard work! It's worth it in the end!

1 comment:

  1. Just a second thought: I know that there are extreme circumstances in which mommies are not able to stay with their little ones for those first few years- even after changing lifestyles and sticking to a budget... I just wanted to be sure that at least those that read this, know that Mothers are Powerful, Respectable Women!
