Sunday, April 1, 2012

My kiddos!

Here is a quick update on Brooke:
Two weeks ago we saw the cleft palate team- holy cow! 12 doctors in 2 hours time... exhausting!
The consensus was that, although her cleft is extremely mild, that it needs repair.
We will see the surgeon May 3rd to discuss the surgery in detail. We will also schedule her surgery that day.

Last week we saw the Genetecist at DeVos. He is not at all suspicious that Brooke has anything abnormal going on from a genetic standpoint. The icing on the cake for him: her LACK of developmental delay! We are talking about a little girl who understands figures of speech, uses them herself, and is taking in more information each second than we can dish out!
He did schedule us to see him again in a year (which we may cancel), just in case her growth pattern does not continue- slow and steady!

In the midst of all of these appointments for Brooke, we celebrated Shane's first birthday!! I can't believe he is already one! Where on earth did the last year go?!! He had a great time at his birthday party. Shane is quite the opposite of his sister: he does NOT like cake or ice cream! Go figure!

I love watching Shane! He is learning so much right now- tonight he held up his new ball and said, "Basketball." (Of course, it didn't come out super clear, but, Rob and I both understood him!) He has the best demeanor ever and we just can't get enough of him! His kisses and hugs melt my heart!

It's crazy! I see so much of God's masculinity in Shane and so much of His beauty in Brooke! Absolutely amazing!!

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